Ecopolitan Cape Cod
Introducing the Ecopolitan Cape Cod Steering Committee...
I had my first encounter with Dr. T when I said “yes’ to hosting his Skin Health Lecture and Clinic in January 2011. The next day Dr. T invited me to be an area coordinator. At his request, I scheduled an all-day Metabolic Detoxification Workshop three months later.
Knowing that I could not accomplish this without the participation of others, I brought together an exceptional group of committed individuals, a 21st Century Collaborative Team. We understand that we do not want to do "business as usual" and we are committed clear, honest communication and respecting differences of opinions - we strive to come from a place of excellence instead of perfection, and we recognize that balance is key in our lives. Working together for the past two years we have become that well-oiled 21st Century Collaborative Team - and the Cape Cod Steering Committee was born! Thank you, all! Dorothy Torrey, Cape Cod Ecopolitan Area Coordinator
Dorothy Torrey & Dr. T
Cape Cod Area Coordinator
Heavy Metals Lecture - January 2013
Dr. T Introducing the