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Everest Learning Academy - Nepal

This network of schools, childcare centers and orphanages prevents child trafficking by providing holistic education and protection for disadvantaged children in rural villages.

Healthy and educated children = a brighter future for the world!

Your donations support the following:

• construction of schools, community outreach facilities, childcare centers and orphanages
• school buses, education fees, school supplies and clothing
• development of libraries
• children's healthcare and nutritional needs
• computers and teaching essentials
• Montessori education training for teachers
• living salaries for the teaching and support staff
• expansion of the school network and enrollment of children (our goal is to enroll 100,000 children!)
• education of mothers so they are able to help children with school work

Ananda Pandey

Chairman, Everest Learning Academy



I just wanted to congratulate ourselves on the completion of the ELA HQ building. It went significantly over the budget (as expected), because of the need for a much bigger structure that reflects our concurrent growth: We needed a large second floor, extra rooms in both floors (for the child care center, the orphanage, the COP and the ELA office/Community Care Center/Volunteer Coordination Office, and we needed to expand the rooms for volunteers and the bathroom/shower facility for the volunteers at the house nearby.

We can all be proud of this achievement, since as a Headquarter Building it is a nice representation of a growing organization that currently serves over 30 schools, Community Outreach Programs, Child Care Centers, Adult (Mothers) Literacy Programs, and community support programs serving about 3,000 children and adults. At the same time we maintained the building's modesty and ecological conservation, by keeping all the concrete exposed (unpainted) and adhering to common (basic) Nepali bathroom/toilet standards. ELA is FROM THE PEOPLE, WITH THE PEOPLE, AND FOR THE PEOPLE!

Thanks for all who helped, including the Tobie family of California, and for the excellent supervision by Ananda, Thakur, and Ashok Pandey.  And thank you Kate Tobie for all your input as ELA's FIRST VOLUNTEER!


Dr. T


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